See beyond what you see

See beyond what you see Everything that happens, happens twice. First in our mind’s eye and then in the real world. Human beings have the special human endowment (different from the Animal Kingdom) – we have the gift of ‘Creative Imagination’. We can distort what is in front of our eyes and dream BIG! We can imagine the impossible and then manifest it through our other endowments.
Imagination is the key.
And if you have seen Lion King, then you have known it all along!
RAFIKI: You must look beyond…beyond what you see!
So how do you see ‘Beyond…beyond what you see’?

You Visualize. You Crystalize. You Picturize. You Sense. You Embed the Image.

And you See, Feel, Hear, Smell and Taste only This(image). Not the losses, not the failures, not the self-doubts, not the distractions, not the criticism, not the comparison. Then you breathe. Because breathing in and breathing out is the only way to be present – to be mindfully engaged in the tiny machinations that will manifest your vision. Focus on the ball, focus on the posture, focus on the thought in your head, focus on the breathing and then swing! Swing into action.

Whether in ‘GOLF’ or in ‘CRICKET’, or in ‘LIFE’, this strategy will give you the desired ‘PAYOFF’!

This is how all the successful people in the world manifested their success, they dreamt, they intensified the associated image – the colours, the feeling, the sounds and immersed all their senses in pursuit of their dreams! And you can do it too! See this little clip to get inspired 😊
Confirmation Bias Are your instinctive responses working for you? Most often (80% of the time as per one research quoted by Richard Boyatzis, American Psychology Expert) we operate from what we know and rely on our past internalised knowledge rather than gathering inputs from our senses from the here and now. Our instincts are useful to help us survive in dangerous situation but are they serving us in our daily life? Hans Rosling in his book #Factfulness: Ten Reasons We’re Wrong About The World – And Why Things Are Better Than You Think quotes extensive research to share how even the most accomplished, educated and even those incharge get it wrong when it comes to estimating how bad or good things are in the world. #Factfulness explains how our instinctive programming leads us to exaggerate situations, read in-between lines(erroneously) and distort how we view the world, others and ourselves. Our personal perspective further magnifies the problems and how we react to them. We get caught in the web of our own making. We do this in our everyday interactions, in our relationships, in facing challenges and in every turn in life. Our instinctive evaluation of any negative information emanates from our fear for our survival and we tend to view the post modern dilemmas with the emotional repertoire developed for facing dangers of the primitive times! So how are you mitigating your fears and regulating your instincts for better interactions, better relationships and better living? Next time you are overwhelmed or feeling insecure, check the facts first…maybe the feeling will pass. May we all live to learn and do better each day!

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