Leadership Programs

Challenging and supporting leaders to set stretch goals and make mindset shifts to maximize impact

  • Are your leaders inspired to lead their teams 
  • Are they enhancing their impact by building their competencies
  • Are they balancing organisational performance with developing people
  • Are they adept at leading change?
  • Do they take ownership and practice accountable?
  • Are they skilled at managing stakeholders?

I bring a wealth of personal experience of working in senior leadership roles and trained expertise to create inspiring and impactful programs that allow leaders to align their personal vision and values to the organisational objective. 

How do we work?

  • Ascertain the need using a consultative process 
  • Submit a proposal 
  • Design the learning journey 
  • Get sign-off on Learning Content 
  • Pre-learning activities 
  • Engaging programs with powerful frameworks and fun learning activities with Group and one-to-one sessions 
  • Action plan for sustained learning 
  • Feedback

Program elements

  • Duration of 3-9 months
  • 1-3 days workshops
  • One-to-One coaching sessions
  • Online support to drive sustained learning
  • 80% experiential and 20% theoretical learning methodology
  • Provoke thinking, self-reflection, self-awareness
  • Objective personality profiling using psychometric instruments
  • Designed and conducted by experts in their respective fields.

Next steps

  • We combine group work with one-to-one coaching and create customized programs which drive sustained learning with long standing benefits.
  • We maintain a cutting global edge and bring you world class programs with a local construct.
  • We sow the seeds of behavioural change using practical exercises, role plays, case studies for practice sessions. We inspire our participants by using NLP techniques.
  • We are trained, certified and highly skilled in holding one-to- one coaching sessions that will ensure that the learning transfer curve continues to go up and there is no relapse.


Post pandemic one of the biggest challenge leaders are facing is to help the workforce keep the pre-pandemic social connect with each other. Colleagues, team members are not just people working together – they are our partners in shared vision, they are the ones who help us bring to life the plans that are envisaged together, they teach us in subtle or not so subtle ways. They are sometimes our mentors and sometimes our confidantes’. They are a part of our everyday lives who make our working life interesting, challenging and human.

In these days of hybrid way of working, leaders have to find ways to ensure that the human connection is maintained even as the work goes on remotely. 

Ultimately, wherever we go, human beings crave a social connection which has a direct impact on our morale, on the discretionary effort we lend to our performance and therefore on the organisation being able to live to its full promise.

We now know that both ‘nature’ and ‘nurture’ play a part in making us who we are. Some of us have a head start, maybe because of our genes.  Our early experiences in life may have a significant impact on shaping us, but true leaders are those who continuously reshape themselves to respond to the change in their internal and external world.  They take responsibility for what they can do in every area of their lives where they have touchpoints. When they are faced with a new situation, they apply themselves fully – learning what they don’t know and listening to others before arriving at any conclusions. 

In the book ‘My Life in Full’ Indra Nooyi narrates several incidents where when she didn’t know enough, she dug deeper and steeped herself in learning to what was new to her to ensure that the decision she or the organisation took was well informed. And she didn’t just focus on the big things – when she noticed that the gravel path in front of their swanky building was uncomfortable to walk on, she took an executive decision to get it tiled to make it smooth for employees and visitors. 

This is what great leaders do, they care – about people and the business – and then they act, decisively.

Great leaders are definitely made.

Each one of us is a product of our experiences and the influences we have had as we grew up. Our values, the beliefs that are important to us in the way we live and we work get embedded in us in our formative years. We also continue to shape and upgrade them based on our experiences. When events in life or a strong influence makes us buy into something more credible, we can modify our belief system. In fact, we must modify our belief system, because otherwise our programming, or our Model of the World, is like an outdated version of the requisite software. 

Updating our consciousness requires well crafted messaging, a reason to believe, a reason to look for answers to the questions which may only be half formed in our mind.

A curated leadership program starts with understanding the needs of the organisation, deciphering where the leaders currently are and translating this knowledge into a design that helps each leader get inspired to change their thinking and their behaviour.  If the inputs and frameworks in any leadership program can help leaders align their personal purpose to the organisational objectives, then the leaders’ best traits will emerge and make them successful as leaders.Best Leadership Programs don’t change people or attempt to change their values – they are designed to enable each leader to re-connect to their glorious values and wash away any dust that may have settled on their true leadership qualities.

Sample Programs

  • Weaving your growth Story
  • future ready leaders
  • Being a Coaching Leader


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