
7 Signs That You Need An Executive Coach to Make That Shift

Business leaders and HR Leaders often debate on when to hire an Executive Coach. If you are in the corporate world, the workplace can sometimes feel like a battleground – either you are combatting the market forces, the competition, internal politics or your own sense of inadequacy to handle multiple fronts, all at once! This can be stressful, energy sapping and unproductive. It can blind…

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Confirmation Bias

Are your instinctive responses working for you? Most often (80% of the time as per one research quoted by Richard Boyatzis, American Psychology Expert) we operate from what we know and rely on our past internalised knowledge rather than gathering inputs from our senses from the here and now. Our instincts are useful to help us survive in dangerous situation but are they serving us…

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See beyond what you see

Everything that happens, happens twice. First in our mind’s eye and then in the real world. Human beings have the special human endowment (different from the Animal Kingdom) – we have the gift of ‘Creative Imagination’. We can distort what is in front of our eyes and dream BIG! We can imagine the impossible and then manifest it through our other endowments. Imagination is the…

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